
The Global Index is a database of source materials transcribed by our members. These materials include church records, civil registry records and other sources.
The Global Index does not have all of the information from these sources, it provides basic information. When you find an entry you are interested in, click on the blue exclamation mark and ask then for further details from our mailing list: Stolp-L. Please include all details, especially Quelle and DokJahrNr! This avoids unnecessary search time for our coworkers! Thanks.
And please tell also your relation to the lookup!
And maybe you want to suport our projects with a donation?
You can also refine your search by using the tips below. Please include all of the information you find in a search. This will enable our researchers to easily locate the record.
Please do NOT use any contact form you find on our website. You will probably not receive an answer and the transcriber of the records will not see this message. Use the Stolp-L list for all inquiries.
As of 22 Mar 2024 the Global Index has 5,822,694 data elements, online available for data protection reasons 5,683,398.
(Thanks to Dave Marks for providing this English translation.)
Tips for your search
Your search choices are: last name and first name and place and a range of years. Whereby the last name is mandatory and all other fields optional.
The search is not case sensitive. Umlauts (ä,ö,ü) are not required and names and places both will be displayed. The German letter “ß” is required and may not be substituted using double “s.”
Clicking on a column heading will sort your results in alphabetical order. Clicking on the blue “i” on the right will provide more information, including the source you will need for your email inquiry.
Wild Card Searches:
The percent (%) is the primary wild card character, not the asterisk (*). It will replace any numbers of letters.
For example: A search for Preu% will provide results such as Preu, Preuß, Preuss etc.
The underscore _ will replace exactly one character.
For example: A search for P_eu% will provide results such as Pfeu…,Pleu….,Preu… etc.
ATTENTION: New input field „Aufnahme“!
With that new search option you can look for data, which were inserted intoi the Globalindex after a certain date.
For example the last Online-GI was from 01.11.2020. When you are looking now for names which are in the new data, you can put in Aufnahme this date in the format 2020-11-01.
Bitte geben sie Ihre Suche ein