Toni Perrone verstorben
von Uwe Kerntopf (Kommentare: 0)

Am Montag 11.10.2021 verstarb nach kurzem Krankenhausaufenthalt Toni Perrone, die Präsidentin der amerikanischen Organisation „Pomeranian Special Interest Group“, kurz PSIG.
In den letzten Jahren intensivierte sich der Kontakt zwischen unseren beiden Vereinen, uns verband ein herzlicher und konstruktiver Kontakt. In den letzten fast 20 Jahren schicke ich ab und zu Artikel für deren Publikationsorgan „Die Pommerschen Leute“, kurz DPL. Dieses Jahr bat man mich einen Online-Vortrag zum Thema „Lastenausgleichsarchiv Bayreuth“ zu halten, wir planten weitere Aktivitäten in den nächsten Monaten. Eine Einladung in die USA für das nächste Jahr stand aus.
Ich persönlich bin unendlich traurig, ich verliere eine Freundin und ich stehe nicht damit alleine.
George Unrine, Vizepräsident der „Pomeranian Special Interest Group“, verfasste folgende Worte:
Today it is our sad duty to inform you of the death of Toni Perrone on Monday, October 11, 2021. She was our friend and mentor as she served as President of the Pomeranian Special Interest Group. We were shocked and saddened when we learned of her passing after a short illness. She will be buried next to her Mother in Chicago, IL. We have no additional details as of now.
After a career as a registered nurse, she dedicated herself to helping others in their genealogical research. That work began before she retired when she was a volunteer at the Immigrant Genealogical Society Library and board member of the Immigrant Genealogical Society. In 1999, there was interest at the library in undertaking publication ofDie Pommerschen Leute. Ted Fettkenheuer had volunteered to publish the quarterly periodical after the passing of the founder, Myron Gruenwald, but after two issues was unable to continue. I was present at the first meeting when the Pomeranian Special Interest Group was formed with Toni as President. She continued in that role for over twenty-one years promoting the publication and recruiting new board members to keep the group going. Her final task was overseeing the separation of the Pomeranian Special Interest Group from the Immigrant Genealogical Society which was recently finalized. We plan to continue with the more recent PSIG activities she started: active membership in the Immigrant German Genealogical Partnership, hosting webinars on German genealogical and especially Pomeranian genealogical topics, and hosting virtual Connections Meetings to bring Pomeranian and German researchers into contact with each other.
Toni was involved and in contact with many groups and individuals active in German and Pomeranian genealogical research. This letter is being sent to the twenty or so that we are aware of. She affected your lives as she did ours. She will be missed by many.
George Unrine
Vice President, Pomeranian Special Interest Group
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